Sena's Space

002 - Can Your Passion Lead to Your Purpose?

Sena Season 1 Episode 2
In this thought-provoking episode, I explore the dynamic interplay between passion and purpose within the context of faith. Discover how aligning your unique passions with God's purpose can lead to a life of fulfillment, impact, and spiritual growth. Join me as I delve into the biblical foundations, practical steps, and faith-driven principles that empower Christians to unlock their full potential and serve others using their passions. Get ready to embark on a transformative journey that will inspire you to live a purposeful life guided by your faith.

Listen to the previous episode where I talked about finding what you're passionate about - Let's Talk About Passion.

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Do you find yourself torn between following your passions and living out your God-given purpose? In this episode, we only unravel the mystery of finding harmony between passion and purpose by taking a faith based approach. Hey friend. Welcome to today's episode. Last week, we started to talk about passion and how we can find things that we are passionate about. In today's episode. We'll be diving into the intriguing topic of passion and purpose and how it intertwines with our faith as Christians. By the end of this episode you'll discover how to bridge the gap between your passion and your purpose. So that you can begin to make an impact. When it comes to living a fulfilling life. Two key elements of income into play. Passion and purpose. So just like we talked about last week and I really encourage you to go back and listen to that episode in case you missed it. We said last week, that passion is the fire that ignites us soul and fills us with enthusiasm. It is what makes us wake up every morning. It is what motivates us. It is what brings us immense joy. Purpose on the other hand, is the deep sense of meaning and direction that guides our actions are not decisions. I think Bishop TD Jakes said it right when he said that. Passion is what drives us. But purpose. purpose is what guides us. You know, as Christians, we believe that our faith provides a solid foundation for discovering and living out our purpose. Most of the time. If not all the time, I know I've been guilty of this And my friends can attest to this fact That I'm constantly on the search of what is my purpose. Lord. What am I supposed to be doing? Why did you bring me here? Why did you put me here? I can't tell you how many books I've bought on purpose, I can't tell you how many videos have tried to find on YouTube. And I think in my mind, it was like if I got a better understanding of what purpose was, then I would find my purpose. But it doesn't really work that way. Because you first have to get to know the Person who made you before you can begin to unravel and discover your purpose, but. That's a topic for another episode. So the Bible teaches us in the book of Psalm that. We have been fearfully and wonderfully made by God. this scripture and many others points to the fact that we were made with intention and with purpose. God didn't just make us and put us here just for the fun of it. And so deep down. And everyone, Christian on not. You are constantly on the search for that thing that brings you fulfillment And that is why this podcast is so important to me because in finding my passion, I have been able to begin to make sense of what my purpose ultimately is. In as much as passion brings you joy and you know, all these things that we talked about in the last episode, it really? Isn't everything. Right. It is not the full story. It is not the full thing. So last week, we talked a lot about how to find, your passion, what you're passionate about. And we spoke about the fact that seeking God's guidance is important. spending time with the holy spirit, getting to know him. Being able to hear his voice and allowing him to guide you on the little things so that he can guide you on the bigger things. We also spoke about reflection and, making notes of what activities bring us joy, what things we find ourselves doing. What activities make us come alive. And the things that you feel naturally drawn to. So we discussed many of these things because some of these activities can be indicators of our passions. But like I said before, passion alone isn't enough. It isn't sufficient. It isn't the full story. If the Lord created us, you know, just for us to come and be here and. Be passionate about things and be happy and not let those passions bless anyone then. What really is the point? And that is where purpose comes in. Your passion needs to align with your purpose. Which is ultimately rooted in your relationship with God. So just because you found your passion does not mean that it automatically becomes purposeful. Because until you find God and right your relationship with him. Your passion can actually become something other than impactful. And what do I mean by this? Let's imagine someone who has a passion for music. This person is incredibly talented. They have a deep love for creating and performing music. However, about before the develop a relationship with God and align this beautiful musical passion with God's purpose. They primarily pursued music for personal fame, wealth recognition, But once this person finds God and seeks to right down relationship with him. They begin to undergo a transformation. a renewal of the mind and you will see that. The reasons why they were primarily pursuing music before, you know, fame, wealth recognition, all these things, those reasons begin to change. Because they begin to realize that their musical talent is a gift from God. And it is something that should be used to serve. And uplift others rather than solely seeking personal gain. And so with this person's new found in the faith. The person begins to use. His own musical abilities. Perhaps the lead worship at church. Or even if let's say this person has gotten to that point where they are well-known musician. Or whatever the situation may be. This person begins to write lyrics. That are not only things, people kind of relate to. But lyrics that actually bring people healing. Lyrics that bless people. Lyrics that begins to shift and transform people's lives. You would realize that the kind of music that this passing creates becomes music that connects people to God. It becomes music that helps at this experience. God's presence. and so you realize that. This person's passion for music is no longer self centered. But rather it becomes a route for spreading God's love. And inspiring others to deepen their faith. And so by aligning this passion for music. With the purpose of serving God and others. This person finds a greater sense of fulfillment and joy that goes beyond that initial personal achievement. And that is all that passion can bring. For a while for a season, passion can seem to have answered all your questions and, you know, tick all your boxes. But after a while when there's no purpose behind it. It begins to feel like a mere achievement. It begins to feel like, okay, so I did this, I'm famous, everyone knows me. And then what. What, what are you doing with that theme? What are you doing? With that respect with that honor that people give you. And if you don't have a purpose for what you're doing. Then your passion unfortunately does not impact anyone. The point here is that as Christians. We have the opportunity to use our passions and our talents. To serve others and bring glory to God. Whether it is through our work, our relationships. Or simply on involvement in our communities. Our, passion and not purpose can shine a light and inspire those around this. In fact, our passion is supposed to. Be that light that shines and draws people to us. And then, our, purpose, which is what is guiding, how we are utilizing that passion. Is what creates that impact in these people's lives? And so when you discover your purpose, it becomes the driving force behind your actions and your decisions. It goes beyond your personal fulfillment. and it extends to serving others and making a positive impact in the world. Now we can tell more and more about passion and purpose, but I just really wanted to make this episode short and sweet. And just bringing our minds to the fact that. Just because you found something you're passionate about and just because that thing brings you joy. And just because you are finding some sense of fulfillment in that thing today, Does not mean that. It is automatically. Purposeful. And so we need to really make sure that we are keeping this in mind. You know, if, if there's something you're particularly good at, if there's something that you're excellent at. You have to begin to ask the Lord. How can I use this to serve you? How can I use this to serve the kingdom of God? How can I use this to serve the people around me? And you don't have to start big. You just have to start small from your little circle. if you're someone who is exceptionally good at. Fashion. Or doing hair, doing makeup, whatever that medium is. You just have to ask the Lord. How can I translate this thing that I'm passionate about? This thing that I'm good at this thing that people say I'm exceptional at. This thing that people praise me for. How can I translate that thing? into something that does not just make people happy for. A moment. But actually creates a lasting impact in their lives. And when you begin to seek the Lord, when you begin to ask the Lord these questions, when you begin to read the Word. He will show you. Listen. God made you with intention. He didn't just create you for you to come and occupy space. And so why would you feel that if you went to God and asked him. A question. He wouldn't answer you or he wouldn't tell you why you're here. No. If anything at all? God wants you to be more purposeful than you want to be purposeful. And so you have to really take advantage of the fact that this is my father who made me, this is my father who has given me an assignment. But until I know what that assignment is. I cannot fulfill it. And we all want to please the father. And so it starts by asking God. God. I'm really passionate about. Excellent. I'm really passionate about personal development. I'm really passionate about self-improvement. Can this passion lead to my purpose. And if it can. How can I begin? To walk in that light. What things can I do? to serve others. What things can I do to serve you? And these are the questions that I want you to begin to ask God. And trust me. He will answer you. And so before we bring this episode to a close Remember that passion and purpose are not opposing forces. Rather, they are powerful allies on your journey to self-improvement by faith. By seeking God's guidance. Aligning your desires to his will. And stepping out in faith. You begin to uncover the beautiful harmony between your passion and your divine purpose. And this is what's most important. If at the end of the day, Your passion is not aligning to His will. Then you want to take a step back. And you want to really make sure that what you're doing is not something you're doing for yourself. But it's something that you're ultimately doing for the Kingdom. But we'll talk more about this in upcoming episodes. So today, I just want to leave you with this. With God. Your passion and your purpose intertwine to create a life that is truly extraordinary. And I hope that you feel inspired to embrace the uniqueness within you. And cultivate your talents, but most importantly, trust. That God has a perfect plan for your life. And I want to pray for you. That you will come to a place where you boldly pursue your passions. By asking God questions so that you can live out your purpose. And make a lasting impact in this world for His glory. And until next time. Keep thriving!

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