Sena's Space

007 - Your Calling is Unique to You

Sena Season 1 Episode 7
In this introspective episode, join me as I take a moment to reflect on the ups and downs of my week. Though I initially didn’t feel like recording, I share how these sessions have become a therapeutic outlet for me. While delving into the concept of unique callings, I discuss how I overcame self-doubt and comparisons to start this very podcast. Tune in for a heartfelt, but necessary, reminder to embrace your distinctive journey and keep thriving in your purpose, regardless of who is already doing what you’ve been called to do.

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Allow me to steal five minutes of your time today. Hey friends. Welcome to another episode. In all honesty. This episode would likely not have happened. Because I honestly don't feel like recording this right now. it's currently Thursday as usual. I guess as we have been doing the last couple of episodes and this episode is supposed to be going live in give or take eight hours. And I'm just sitting here trying to understand how. My week started out perfectly fine. In fact, it started out with a few celebrations. Good news. The audit I was talking about, I believe in my last episode ended so that was a glorious moment for me. I had lunch for my promotion that I had talked about. I believe also in the previous episode. I was visiting family over the weekend. I saw a friend that I had no seen in close to a year. We went to the movies to see Barbie. And I think the next episode actually is going to be on Barbie and some life lessons that I drew from that. But stay posted. So basically my week started I'll will she know the weekend had an end to this week? It was, it was good. It was great. And I just feel like all of us setting out of nowhere. Things just sort of went crazy. But that's not something that I want to get into. Here. Or soon to any of my close friends even at this point, I kind of just want to. Take things one. They at a time. Reevaluate reflect. See what I could have done better. C, well putt I had to play in the chaos that is currently going on in my life. And just trying to learn from that. And I think I would probably speak a bit on this in future episodes but we'll see. I had no plan, honestly. Of recording this episode, I really was just going to take a break and be like, you know what? There's not going to be any episode tomorrow, but then I thought, you know, even if it's just five minutes that I come on here and see something. It may not do anything for you. But I found that these few recordings that have been doing have actually been helping me. It's sort of like a therapeutic way for me to reflect on how my week has been and just take my wins, you know, from that. Aside it being therapeutic enough for it to be a good source of reflection, the Lord has reminded me of something. It's actually funny because just last Friday. I joined this Prius sesh. And one prophecy that I received, so have had to do with me speaking and all, then. To be very honest. I had a very busy weekend. I completely forgot about all that, but in my wanting to not do this episode today, the Lord just reminded me. Of that word. And I was like, okay, you know what? I'm just going to. Hold on to it. Run with it. It's something I haven't, I didn't share that word with anyone. Um, Honestly, because I really forgot about it, but the Lord used it as, as a reminder of why I had to still come on here and come and say whatever I had on my mind. I think towards the tail end of last week, it was an into the LEDs. This week. I had come across many reels on Instagram. Random post here and there which really emphasized on everyone's calling is unique to them. In fact, one of my friends sent me a tick tock a couple of days back, which literally was just echoing this whole calling is unique to youth thing that I had been coming across everywhere. So I figured I would just spend a few minutes talking about that. And try to just keep it brief, keep it shut. Probably I'm going to be done talking in the next few minutes but the main reason why I still wanted to help on here tonight, regardless of the fact that. If this is something that the Lord has given me to do. Then even when I don't feel like it. I have to give myself. Reasons as to why I cannot let my buddy. All my feelings on my emotions. Dictate. Um, and when I do that, which I have been called to do. But aside that the thing I wanted us to focus more on in this episode, Is the fact that your calling is unique to you? I have wanted to start a podcast since 2019. And I've just kept postponing and postponing. I can tell you how many times my friends or even random people that I've met, that I've never shared with them. My. Desire to start a podcast. Would say, Hey. The ones like so full of wisdom, you should start a podcast. And I'm like, well, yeah, thinking about it. You know, I've done so much research over the years of. How to start a podcast. I mean, I don't know what, how to start a podcast video on YouTube that I haven't watched. I probably watch all of them. Some of them 2, 3, 4 times. I keep watching them over and over again, just to learn. The best way to go up all things. But even though I was learning the best way to go about things. I was still stuck in this. Sense of, you know, I, not sure. I really had God save, ever team start a podcast. And so what have I just stepping out there beings on my own desires and just. Going to do this thing just because maybe everyone else is doing it or. I just because people say, oh, you should start a podcast because you speak so well. And that thing really haunted me for a long time. But once I even came out of that, the other thing that started to delaying me. Was this sense of. There are a lot of people out there who have a podcast. Aside there being a lot of people out there who have a podcast. There are a ton of those podcasts that mirror Christianity. Uh, walk with God, a Christian lifestyle in some way or form. And so I was really stuck in this place of, well, why do I need to add my voice to people who already they're getting a thousand downloads per episode? I mean, what difference could send out really make to the world out there? Like go, you don't need my voice basically is what I was sending. God, you don't need me to add my voice to the pros who are already doing this thing. And for a long time, I was stuck in this. Battle where I kept feeling like. There are people who speak better than me, that people who writes better than me. So what makes me feel like. I can add my soul to that list. Of people who are quoting Encore, it's better than me. And this thing that we are all trying to pursue. And so these posts that I came across over the last week, We're all hitting home for me. And a confirmation for me as well that this is something that I have the Lord's about king on. Because over and over, I just kept seeing your call in this unique to you. Even if everyone else is doing what you've been called to do in this case, a podcast, they are not equipped to do it in the same way. My journey is different. Your journey is different. My story is different. And so even if we were all doing. A self-improvement personal development, Christian podcast. It would still take on many, many forms because each one of us who are going to be taking on that responsibility. Has a different path to get into that point of being assigned the responsibility. And so no matter how you're feeling. The motto was going through your head, even if it's Obama. Who is spearheading, whatever thing it is that you're feeling the desire to do, or that you think you have some capability to do. I'm here to tell you to go for it. And at the beginning, they may not make sense. This podcast though, does not make sense to me right now. Sometimes I even forget there's a podcast out there on, so maybe. Bus prouds, which is my hosting platform. Since an email. Regarding downloads or something like that. I'm like, oh wow. Thank you, Jesus. You know, and then I promptly just forget about it. Until one of my friends comes to my DMS and it's like, girl, This thing that you said, like, how did you know I needed to hear this, this week? Like, this was so relatable when I pick this or this and that. And I'm like, wow. God is using this in some way. And it may not be reaching a thousand people. He had Seminole be reaching A million people yet. But I know that they, I don't know if my voice. To those who God has also called to do a similar thing is very important.'cause with all my peace. The story's not going to be complete. And so even though I feel like there are people who are better than me out there who are doing it. Even though, I feel like there are people out there who deserve. Of course the recognition that they are getting the downloads that you're getting. Then I may not be getting yet. I'm still going to keep pushing. Not so I can get to that place of recognition. But so that the person who got once to hear my voice. We'll hear it. No matter what it is, no matter how you're feeling. No matter how many people who are better than you are doing it. Just go for it. Because quite honestly, you don't know how God is going to use that thing to change lives. To read direct people's paths. The U today is confused. We don't know what we are doing in life. We are literally just taking a one day at a time. And we are not taking a one day at a time in the sense of order, but we are taking it one day at a time in the sense that we do not even know what path we should be on. And that is a very dangerous place to be. maybe whatever God has asked you to do. He needs one person to benefit from that thing that they are doing so that they can turn to him. He needs one person to see that thing that you're doing. So now they can also step into what he's called them to do. And here's the catch. In this life. There's always going to be someone who is better than you. There's always going to be someone who is a sin. It's much more than you are. And that's just life. And so if you're going to keep. Your soul in the little corner. Because you feel like, all right. I don't think what I can do matters because this person does it better than me. Then, you know, something you're going to be stuck there forever because. Even when you start to move up the mother, how high you get. There's always going to be somebody. Who is up there, who is above you? who does better than you. And I think that if we start to change our mindsets and we started to see it as a cause for motivation and inspiration. then I think that we will not be so much deterred. To actually do the things that God has called us to do. And, you know, at the end of the day, it's not about you. It's about the kingdom of God. And so before you see notes of God, the next time. Ask yourself. If you're making it all about you. Or you're truly making it. About the kingdom. And that's it for this episode, guys. Just a little food for thoughts for all of us as we go through a life. Because we are all going to get to seasonings where. We have to make the choice to step into that, which God has called us. Did you. And I pray that when that time comes, you will not let the accomplishments of others stop you from doing that, which you've been called to do. And until next time. Keep thriving.

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