Sena's Space

010 - God Says Get Up and Thrive in 2024!

Sena Season 1 Episode 10
In this special episode, Sena reflects on the journey of the podcast's first season and shares personal insights about the importance of being an example of God's love to others. The episode also touches on her experiences with God's intentional wisdom and guidance in various aspects of life, including friendships, writing, and pursuing purpose. Looking ahead to the next season, Sena reveals exciting changes for the podcast, emphasizing a shift towards a personal journal format. The episode concludes with an inspiring message to embrace the season of thriving, stepping out with confidence in the purpose God has placed within each listener. Join her on this reflective and empowering episode as we bid farewell to Season 1 and anticipate a new beginning in Season 2!

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Hey friends. Welcome back to episode 10. I believe this is episode 10. I am actually on my phone right now, trying to navigate. To the podcast app to figure out. What episode we are on, because apparently it seems like I don't even know what I'm doing. What life? Yes. So episode 10. I thought it was episode 10, because this is going to be our last episode for the season. I felt led to record this episode yesterday. Um, and if you're wondering this kindly Friday, October 21st, I'm hoping to get this episode out. To nines before I go to sleep. But. Basically. Yeah. What I said before, this is going to be our last episode. I wager this is going to be very short. I know. I always say that in a, we always, almost always end up going. Way above. Schedule, but fingers crossed that we, uh, go into just chit chat for some five minutes and then I'll be out of your hair. So. Without further ado, let's go. welcome everybody. How have you guys been since the last time we connected on here, I hope that life has been treating you well, I hope that. You've begun to see the goodness of God in your life. If you were blind to it before. And really, I just hope that things have been good for you, you know? October October has been good. September into October has been really good for me by the grace of God. I'm really looking forward to just continuing to enjoy his presence throughout the rest of the year, and really seeking clarity on where to take this podcast next. And I guess. On today's episode. I wanted to talk about. The importance of having people around you. Who from time to time, depending on the situation they go going through, become an example of God's love to you. I recently opened up to one of my really good friends. She is my prophetic mama. I really honor her respect her. if you went to screen and Ghana, then you probably know the whole system of like school mothers, school fathers, things like that. moving forward, I think I'm actually going to be mentioning my friends names on this podcast, because we're about to get really personal on this pace from next year. God willing we are. I'm thinking you're going to launch season two. Probably early February, Just because I do have to be a way for a bed just to focus on myself throughout the end of the year until next year. So really don't want to put pressure on myself and make a commitment to showing up here in January. Because work is gonna be crazy. I have a deadline first weekend, February, actually I think the deadline is first February, so we're working really hard towards that. And then also school starts. Third week, I believe in January. So I really just want to pace myself and not put too much on my plate. I updated the frequency of this episodes of biweekly on the apple podcast thingy. But it still has not reflected on your end, so I'm not sure what exactly is going on. I tried to do a several times when I go into the app, it shows biweekly like the, the app where. One or the app, like the website where you update, you know, all the metadata for the podcast. It shows biweekly there, but when I come to the apple podcast app, I think Spotify as well. It still shows weekly. So I'm not really sure what's going on with that. But. A whole rebranding is coming. Um, I'll be fine. Jump into that. I think I was saying something about examples of God's law. Yes. So I recently opened up to. My school mom slash. Let's go ahead. My school mom. On this space. Yeah. Sorry. Isn't he opened up to her about something I've been dealing with for many years now. And when I tell you that. Her immediate reaction was to just smile and look at me. Like she, I feel like she was waiting for me to get to the worst part of what I was telling her. And I was like, I'm done. Y, you know, ask me anything and she's like, what'd you want me to ask you? And as I w I don't know, I just dumped all this on you, so. What is that to say? What are you thinking? What do you want to know? Let's talk about it. Let's break it down. And she really, really showed me the love of Christ in that moment where. Instead of questioning. My decisions is sort of questioning why I did what I did or instead of questioning why I kept this to myself for so long. One of the first things that she said to me was that I'm really honored that you chose to share this with me. And. You know, she immediately went into an empathetic more like just. Very compassionate. in that moment, I just started to cry. Because I was a bit scared of sharing this with him because I thought I would lose the bond that we had created. but I can happily report that we were going to our strongest ever a friendship is growing. The purpose, why we are in each other's life. Is becoming much Clara and God is really just. Using our friendship, even in this moment. And I know that he's going to continue to use. This friendship for the kingdom. But I thought a very profound. to know that there are still people who. Exhibit the love of Christ, not only when it's convenient, not only when. They are excited about something. Not only when whatever you have done, pleases them. But also when. You seem to have just hit your face upon the ed, also in those moments where they are not pleased where they may be disappointed. But then the first thing to do is to hug you and to say, Did you know what. I'm not here to judge you. I can only sympathize with you in this moment. And. I really. Go to experience God in a different way this week, where it really became clear that God is so intentional about me. And he's. He saw intentional to the extent that he has literally hand picked everybody who is in my life at this particular moment, everyone who has been in my life and everybody who is going to be in my life. And I really started to just Everly, all my friends and just seeing what a blessing that each of them has been to me seeing how all of them in one way or the other have directly or indirectly shown me the importance of being an example of God's love to people. what I want to encourage us to take with us through the end of this year is. How do I become an example of God's love to someone? how do I exhibit compassion? How do I exhibit kindness? In what way? Can I be a blessing to someone? In what way can I be assured of, for someone to lean on? In what way can I be a listening ear to someone. And for once in your life, not make it about you. But make it about the passing and make it about the revelation that you have of what Christ has done for you. And. I'm not sure if any of that made sense, because to be honest, I never really planned how I was going to just say this. I'm really just speaking. So. I hope that this is blessing somebody. Um, if it's not too, then Charlie, we move. Yeah. Because your girl is tired. I I've, I've been up since about 6 45. 47. I don't remember, but six something. I couldn't go back to sleep. And then I just, you know, woke up, just kind of go to my day. And go my assignments out of the way. And it was, it was quite productive and I'm like, huh, I should probably start waking up early again because it's not even 5:00 PM. And I got so much done. Of course it's a weekend, so I don't have work, but. Still. Another thing that I've really been seeing in God's intention on to see about me is just how much of his wisdom I have been experiencing at work. Let me tell you guys that when you pray for something. Yo. I've had too many testing when these, this week, I don't even know where to start, where to end, but I've had too many testimonies of just how God has come through for me. Got as come through for my friends. Things I prayed for, for them. And I'm just like, wow. God is so intentional. And that is, I think that is my word going. Going into next year. God is so intentional about me. And I hope that you can dig deep within yourself and begin to find ways that. He has shown you that, Hey, I love you. I care about you. I worry about you. And I would literally leave the 99 just to follow you to the ends of the, uh, Just so that I can bring you back to myself, just so that you and I can live in harmony, just so that you and I can have a relationship. But with that being said, Um, I did not mean for this episode to be any sort of deep, whatever. See if you're not getting that. If you're not getting the usual Senna. You know, just, just know lots. This is not the woman's for that. Yeah. Um, I really just wanted to see. Goodbye. For the next few months, we are not going to be on the space. I know that this first season has sort of been all over the place. We kind of started a setting way then the middle, when it sets in way. And then it sets in way. I think this first season has really taken me on the journey of getting to know myself. Getting to know the specific things that God has put in me and also getting to know which of those things he wants me to be exhibiting to the world now. Because I think when I initially started this podcast and I planned to see this in episode one of season two, so I don't know why I'm seeing it here, but when I officially started this podcast, All my friends. You know, I, I, when based on what. The people I'm surrounded with were seen. Right. Because I believe that I'm surrounded by many godly friends who hear. God who, you know, can, can see things that I may be missing. So I, I asked most of my friends, who am I to you? What do you come to me for? And that is how I sort of bred this podcast, but I'm quickly realizing that. That is not necessarily what I enjoy doing on the podcast. Like, yeah. I love pistol development. I love self-improvement. I love everything. Constantly advocating for. people to be resourced with just today on my Snapchat private story, I was running quite a bit on. You know, being a resourceful woman and things like that. But I also realize that those things come in the moment when. Perhaps someone asked me a question or a conversation comes up and not necessarily in moments where I get up to pick the Mike and then I just start talking. I mean, I can do it, but I don't think that I quite enjoy it. I think that the episodes I've most enjoyed are the ones where I just come and just share with you how my week has been and random things. When I first wanted to do a podcast, I wanted to do it in the personal journals category. I wanted to just share my life. But because I'll not say edit YouTube videos. And I don't like what to my face out there. That's why I'm not on YouTube. So I think it all podcast could be a way to do that. I mean, I love talking, so Hey. But then I also got a bit worried, like, ah, I don't know if I kind of want to be putting my life out there. Because still some of my friends were here and it's like, okay, they know this is an IB. Hear me share some things. How is that going to be? But the Lord has really taken me on some training and the last couple of months. And I've come to realize that. Sometimes just because you have a setting gift does not mean that you are supposed to be using that particular gifts in that particular moment. What am I trying to say? Just because my friends come to me for life advice, things like that. It's one of my friends just called me today. Actually. He said, So Nadia therapist, life, coach, and friend, all in one. And I was really on it. to hear him see that. But then I realized that it does not particularly once I want to use this space for. Like, yes, you can reach out to me, you know? On the socials, whatever I can talk. by the help of the holy spirit. I speak some sense into you. If you had the really, you. You know, Whatever, but it's not quite what I want to use this podcast for. and so I find that I'm taking myself back. Into that place where I really begin to look with thing. And begins to find myself in ways that are different from how people see me now. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense. Um, but I'm recording this for future me. So. That was the whole idea of the podcast I wanted to start. I wanted to, I wanted it to be something where. The future center could come back and come and listen to and see how much she had grown. See what she was up to at a certain point in a certain week at a certain time, the same year. Um, so I'm going to go back to that and. Just. A bit of this, which I believe I'm going to touch on quite a bit in season two. When I finally, I guess, Share what the plan is for the rest of the podcast, but sometimes it is dangerous to share. Ideas and things like that with friends, because no matter, even if they are godly friends, because. Sometimes what people think you should do. It's not necessarily what God wants you to be doing. Yeah. And. In setting ways, because what you wanted to do me, no half directly seemed very. Godly or there wasn't a direct way that it was benefiting the body of Christ. You will tend to what had gone, where you wanted to do and then go with what everyone else has seen, because. In many ways, that thing that people are saying and seems to be what brings more edification to the body of Christ and not necessarily what you wanted to do before. Case in point, I used to write, I used to write a lot. I used to write poetry, love, quotes, things like that. I actually started the whole romance novel. I love writing. I love everything. Love everything, historical romance. That is me, that is sent on my friends will tell you. I can stay up 24 hours reading a book and Naga tight. Yeah. And I used to write ending people started making comments. I know you're a child of God, you know, like, why are you doing this? And so I started to force myself. To write. Like Christian related. Direct Christian related things. I don't know how to say Nope, because I didn't, I mean, at the end of the day, God is love writes about, of course the kinds of things I was writing was not coming from that direct sphere. And even though there were some days that I could just pour my heart out to the holy spirit, just like write love letters. To God or whatever. Uh, what is it is my. Immediate go-to thing to do. And so I started at four, so my soul to try to do that right. Maybe, you know, Christian. Pieces. I don't know what you think. I don't even know what to call it. But it just wasn't working out. It seemed like I was just forcing myself and stressing myself out to do something that just was not coming to me naturally. And so I ended up just, I stopped writing all together because I fear that if I continue to write the things that I love, then maybe I would let the devil use the gifts that God has given me to push his agenda. And. I don't want to answer for that. Okay. I want my works to count. I one, the things that I do to impact people, I want to make sure that whatever I'm doing as part of God's plan for me, that it is purposeful. And so I stopped writing all together. My recently. Over the last few months I've been getting prophecies and things like that. People just sending me. You have to start writing again, go to senior. Should rides, go to saying you should write. And so I've started. Um, Trying to get back into that space for now. I've just been writing, just been documenting a few of my conversations with the holy spirit. Here and there. And no really delving back into my hole. Romance writing aspects of things, but really just continuing to be in that place of his presence in that place of quite pneumonia. And that place of just oneness with him. So this week, So. I know this is I'm looking at the. Editor. And this episode is almost at 20 minutes already and I'm like, okay, I don't have time to edit anything more than 25 minutes. So I'm going to pump the brakes here. And I don't even think I've made any sense because I kind of started with. Being an example of God's love and then went into a bit into. Peppers. And what did they even see? I don't even remember. But the point is guys, is that. This is the last episode I just wanted to come here. Just share my voice. Let you know that it's going to be the last episode. I'll be going on a mini break with hopes of starting up season two and the February show is going to have a new name. Um, I don't know yet, if I want to say it here. But we are really going to revamp this. It's going to become a personal journal somewhere where you can just come here. A fellow friend, someone, some girl. In the world somewhere. Just talk about her life. Talk about what God is doing with health who had and had. And just Sharon House school is literally kicking my butt. Yeah. Cause. School-based cooling. Okay. Life, life is lifeing but goodness, helping us. And. I trust that as we go on that new journey together, that you would find, you would find something on some days we would have those deep conversations, because that is naturally me. There is no data. You come and talk to me that you know him, you see something deep, you know, Even if we are laughing, I will still find a way to slide something deep. And then, so we'll still have those days of depth. We will still have. those days of just really going, maybe deep into scripture, whatever it is. However, the Lord leads. That's how we're going to go. Basically. But for now, um, I'm thinking this is going to become a space for us, a space. Where I just documents my life. Um, So then in five years, in four years, when I come back and take a listen to it, I can see how much God has helped me. And I hope that even as I share about myself, you would. Pick something from it that you would find the light of Christ here. And that you would be encouraged. To pursue life. God's way. The word for this year has been thrive. Hence the name hiving gang. but we're going to switch that up a bit. I think we're probably going to have a word for every month or a word for. Every season. I'm not sure yet. I'm still speaking to the Lord on that because I feel like he's given me so many, you know, Things when I definitely know that one thing that he wants us to be doing in the next year is to get up and thrive. Literally, I have been that phrase has been ringing in my ears. For the last month or so. And I've just been asking God, what is this? Get up and thrive. What does that mean? You know, Everywhere. I go, I see, go get up everywhere I go. I see. Hi, everywhere I go. I'm like, God, what are you saying? What's is the message. And. It really in some way, is that even as we head into the end of 2023 and come into 2024, I think that most people on this space are going to be turning 25. At least most people in my friend circle, I know are going to be turning 25 and most of us have been dealing with this quarter life crisis thing. But the Lord is saying, get up and thrive. That is the season we are in. It is a season for us to get up. And there's a season for us to stop questioning. It is the season for us to stop doubting that, which he has put on the inside of us and for us to begin to walk in that light. It is the season for you to literally get up. Wake up early. I do the things, you know, God has been putting on your heart to do. Write that book start that. Instagram page, whatever it is, start that tech talk. You know, Um, accounts, stop posting scripture, stop posting comedy, stop posting. Whatever it is. The word of the Lord is get up and thrive. And. As we do that. We are going to see the Lord. Move massively and our lives. I'm really trusting God that as we head into this new year, as we head into this new phase, this new season, that. He is going to bless the work of our hands, whatever we would do, whatever we set out to do will be established because we will have the backing of God. We will have the backing of heaven. And so I pray that you run with this word. It's personally going to be my phrase for 2024. Get up and thrive everywhere. You see me. That is it. our way with depression, we are done with that season. We had done with those times where we sit down and let the devil sit on our happiness. No, the word of God says that he is bringing you the oil of gladness. The oil of joy. And that is your portion. You are a child of God. Your identity is in Christ. You are not to relate to identify as anything that is outside of him. You know, I was telling one of my friends. Recently that. When I look on myself, if I'm to define myself, if I'm to explain who I am. I cannot be defined. Outside of Christ. I do not wish to be defined outside of Christ. Everything that I am, everything that I have, everything that I do. Literally everything about me. I should speak Christ. If somebody sees me and they don't see Christ, then I have failed as a son of God. Did you know, and one of the things that I realized is really battling my generation is that a lot of us, I. In deep seated depression. A lot of us are just cast it down. But no. The season of mourning is over. The season of sadness is, or what the season of anxiety is over the season. Why? It seems like everything in your life is stagnant is over. It is time for you to get up. And thrive. Because the Lord has put something on the inside of you. And nations are weeding to eat that up. People are waiting on you to get up and do something. People are waiting on you to get up. And when, or that thing that God has put in your hands. And so friends. I hope that. Until we meet again next year. That you would have caught a revelation of this word and that the Lord himself will reveal. The things that he need you to be doing. For him for your generation to you. I pray that the light of God. With a bond in your hearts. I pray that that every step that you take, even through the end of the year, We'll be blessed that everything that you do, you will hear. The Lord say that this is the way walking it. That your steps will be ordered. And that you would truly sink of the goodness of God come 2024. Until next time. Keep thriving.

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