Sena's Space

011 - Know Your Why: What Did God Tell You?

Sena Season 1 Episode 11
In this unplanned episode, Sena shares candid thoughts on podcasting challenges, spiritual growth, and personal transformation. The episode reflects on the importance of staying true to one's calling amidst change while touching on the journey of rebranding the podcast. This episode is a heartfelt reminder of the power of faith, resilience, and the courage to embrace one's true path, especially as we approach the new year.

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All right. So it is currently November 17th. That's a Friday. And I felt the need to. Record an episode. So here we are. I actually have episode. 10. Coming out next to me, it's already edited, scheduled to go live. I believe I recorded it sometime in October, but I scheduled it to go live next week, Thanksgiving. bearing in mind that I was going to be, you know, the last episode. So I figured I'll come on and speak what the Lord had been speaking to me. And if it just felt quite appropriate to put it out closer to the end of the year. So, yeah, that happened, but I've also been really feeling in my spirit to start recording again. I just sort of feel a bird thing. And, you know, just having to go through the, set up, putting everything together, grabbing the mic. It's not a long process. Don't get me wrong, but because I don't have a stationary. Situation. Sometimes when I feel like recording, it's just a hassle. And then I just keep with spawning and all that. So. We're going to see, maybe I'm going to try to set up something more permanent as the new year rolls around. I'm a need to create a space for that. But anyways, um, I'm not sure if that was a good intro, but how are you doing? I hope you're a fine wherever you're listening from my hope. You're doing good. I hope your holidays are going great. I anticipate that I will put this out. Maybe around the Christmas holiday. I personally would, would be on the trip. So I'm going to have a reading and a test scheduled to go out on that day. China's surprise a few people, so they don't know about the trip. So I'm going to make sure I am there and passing before, you know, I put this episode out. But. How are you? I hope. 2023 has treated you. Well, I hope that even though life has been lifeing, you've still found many reasons to rejoice in, especially in the season that we are in. I hope that. The sacrifice that Christ made for you Has become even more real to you in this, in those moments in the season. I'm not sure if I'm sounding funny just to my ears, but I do feel like I sound a bit funny. My throat is a bit congested, so bear with me. the purpose of this episode, I don't really know where we are with Charles, the holy spirit as always to speak something. To us because he just prompting me. To record these I'm like, okay. I'm going to do it. Um, and let's see, let's see what you have for us. Yes. So. By way of an update. The podcast is being rebranded. Some of you have noticed there are two work change have reached all I girls going on and all of that. So my closest I've shed. With them, the website that I'm building and everything like thoughts. I'm so trusting God. To have everything sorted out, hopefully by the ending of February, I have. Uh, four to shoot scheduled and everything. Just to, you know, Make things a bit more. Professional. Just just type things out a little bit. so, so we'll see how we'll see how all that's going to go. I didn't when it comes to the website. I, um, I'll say maybe. 60% where I wanted to be. the only major missing pieces are the pictures that I'll be uploading to kind of fill in a few of the slots. I still don't know what I'm doing with the domain name for. Diving gang as the podcast name is going to change, but I still feel like that that having gang, you know, should still be something that, I keep still keep that as like a. community, but I, um, I'm not really sure quite yet how everything is going to pan out because in this new season, I feel the Lord telling me it's time to put yourself out there. It's time to work on the personal branding. And, you know, every other thing is going to grow through that. And so that's what I'm trying to focus on. Prioritize. And you're not a lot. Hasn't prepared me for the season cram minute. Now I started this Sharon. A day in my life thing on my Snapchat stories. I believe in 2021. If I'm not mistaking. Probably around 2010, you won. cause I got tired of telling my friends the same stories on different group chats. All the time is like every size. I want to ask you a question. You have to just repeat everything. And I figured, you know what, let me just create a space. And I didn't want to do this on WhatsApp because WhatsApp stresses me out. Yeah. even though I have the WhatsApp status filtered, you know, on probably it used to be like 20 people and then I add it to 30, but now I think is, are like 50. People I, um, that's how private I am. I hunt pig every, literally everything. That I put out. And handpick who was going to see what I'm putting out, because sometimes I just, I just don't want to have certain conversations with certain people. People just don't know how to talk. People do not respect themselves. People just, you know, You know, people, you live with people, you interact with people. There'll be people there a lot. And sometimes I just don't want to deal with all that. And so the law has told me in the season how to stay, heading, how to remain hidden. But also how to still undergo training. Even in those periods. And so I started this private Snapchat story thing. Like I said likely in 2021 and I would just put my life on there. Update. My friends, um, I had some cousins on them or that eventually I took some people off it because you know, sometimes when you begin to share, people are just like to just feel like they can just dictate things for you. And it gets quite annoying cause it's like, But there is a place for suggestions. There's a place for healthy criticism. There's a place for, you know, pointing out my flaws and building with me how to grow, how to do better. But I will give you no room, no matter who you are. To blatantly disrespect me to put me down and to make me feel any less of myself than God has made me to be. And so eventually I took some people off. Sparingly I'll put them on depending on what I gained, gained, what I'm posting. So I have different snap stories that, you know, different people are on and. Right now I'm just limited to posting on my very, very close group of friends because you know, school's in session working session, I'm stressed about a lot of things and I don't want to hear. Things that people outside of that very immediate group would say, And so I'm still posting to that group. And then when the time is right, I'll get back on day. Like my trip coming up yet, we got to be posting on, you know, we going to be posting on. On the, on the travel speaks that Africa that there, but anyways, All that to see that. The law has really been pushing me like, Hey, I prepared you enough through this period. I have shown you. How to better guide your mouth, how to better watch what you say, how to, you know, React to criticism. How to just take a gang? What people see how to just take sometimes a trash talking. How to just view. With some of these things. And so the law has really been teaching me that and I think I'm ready. Um, I don't remember the last time I put something on Instagram. Does my personal Instagram. Probably 20 17, 20 18. You know, I had started writing on there. Many people actually don't know, but I am. I'm a huge writer. I write a lot, actually. I have so many books that I've started so many book ideas, so many. I mean, I have, I have a lot of things that. That age is, and I have been working on Ovadia as I started writing. I don't know if I've, I've just, I've been a writer my entire life. Yeah. And I remember I started writing. On Instagram, you know, the, the time when we BRCA and all these other people were blowing up yet, that was the time I started. And I was really gaining traction. Um, the growth was very quick. It was very fast, but. I allow people to kill that dream, that gifting me because you see, sometimes I feel like. Christians. We have a way of speaking sometimes. And we don't realize that when the holy spirit is not in what we are seeing, we are potentially killing something that he's putting someone and, you know, back then I was in so much. I was in Toledo. This wasn't even a plan for this episode. I think I'll probably have to record something else. Cause I definitely don't want this to be more than 20 minutes and I already see the timer. Is that like 10 minutes. So. We gone see. But anyways. And this is something that I planned to talk about at length. I'm in. Seizing too. So I just touch on that a little bit here, but sometimes we let people kill the gifts and the visions that God has given us, because we've not yet come to a place of maturity where we come better. God. That thing where we can see that. Yes. while you may disagree that as a Christian, maybe I don't have to write about love as a Christian. I don't have to write about this particular subject as a Christian. I don't have to sing any song that, um, It's not directly saying, I love you go about the scene. I love you to my partner just because he does agree. Does not mean that that is what God is saying. You know? So I let people kill that, that part of me, but recently, um, glow, I guess a couple of months ago, I think I'm probably mentioned this in episode 10, but I've been getting a lot of prophecies about. You know, for mental coursing. We're seeing God says, as you start writing again, and I've really been feeling the holy spirit leading me to start writing in. And so I started writing a gang of Southern getting back. Into that place, but now I am better equipped to handle some of the things that people are going to be saying, because now I know more of what God has called me to do. I know. Better the things that he's called me to see and, you know, At the end of the day, while we are called to many. What matters is that I hear well done from my father. And so. F. People. Just don't get it. And you know, that's a thing that, what does a sometimes. You are not called to your family members. You are not cold. To your friends. most of the people who listened to this podcast, I know my friends and family, it says changes from. It's changed as who actually listened to this, you know? And I don't, I don't hate them for it. I don't dislike them for it, but I understand that I am not called to them. And so I cannot force them to listen to what I have to say, because that is when there was that trying to push me into the corner of like, oh, you should do this instead when that is not necessarily what God has called me to do. In case of points. That's what happened with season one of this podcast, because. I really put myself in the little box that God wanted me to do. Much more than, Personal development, self improvement. It is one part of me. It is not always what people come to me for, but I was really just, I kept listening to people like everyone is saying, oh, do it this way, do it that way. And just listening, listening, listening, and. Really not honing in on the fact. And I mean, I've got an old cake from God on it. Right. And so like, God, God is, he's happy with what I'm doing, But he keeps pushing me. Like you are not there yet. You have to do more because I don't want you to talk about just this thing. I want you to branch out into different things. And again, that's why he's bringing me to the point of the personal branding bits of it, because it's like, no, it's the totality of who you are that have sense to people. It is not just this aspect of you that have sent to people. And so he's really taken me through a season of just equipping A season of just staying in, hitting and really honing in on who I am in Christ first, so that when I step out, so now when he announces me, I can start truly. And the office of what he's calling me to do, and I will not be sweet. be, uh, whoever is speaking, you know? Yes. There's a place for, advice. yes, there's a place for suggestions and you know, things like that. But. Julie, we have to just learn. To do what God has called us to do, and always making sure that we go back to him and say, okay, God. Your seventh came to tell me this other thing. is this an area that you want me to explore or do you want me to just stay on track? Do you want me to just stay on this thing that I know for sure that you have spoken to me to do great. So. Anyways point is. We are, we are dating a few things. We are changing a few things. Um, we are completely overhauling the podcast. Um, so it's going to be going into. I'm not quite sure yet. I keep talking to HS about, they're like, okay, do we put it under like the religion category? Because you know, it's the first. Category. If you enter podcasters, the first category that you choose that is going to be like, what is the main theme of the pod? But, Because again of what the Lord is going to be leading me to be sharing really about my life and just how I'm doing life. So is basically God really just prepared me on Snapchat. And now he's having me bring that onto the podcast. In a different way. Right? So like from the video form to the audio form, and then eventually we'll see where that takes us. So I'm like, okay, is it going to be personal journals? because personally that's the best. That's what I feel like. Okay. Maybe this should go into the personal journal, category, but. I'm not quite sure enemies. That's why I date stamp or the episode so that when I come back yes, from now I can be like, okay, on this day, other side, this is what I was doing. Pretty cool. Huh? But yeah. So that's that on? Um, yeah, I'm probably going to end this episode pretty soon, but this was a bonus episode. So no format, no plan. I'm not even sure if I'm going to put an intro and an outro. We'll see what happens, but just wanted to pop in here. Um, say hi. I anticipate at this point that I would probably put this out a little before Christmas and then maybe put the episode that I'm going to record right after this one hour, maybe like at the beginning of the year. Maybe use that as a way to also talk more about where the podcast is going. But yeah, I hope it does make some sense to you. Um, just wanting to pupping say hi, wish you a Merry Christmas, wish you all the best. And just really encourage you to continue to stay in the place of Thanksgiving. I'm going to speak more on that. On the upcoming episode. So stay tuned. I hope you're blessed. I hope that even as this new year is coming, that you really begin to look within yourself and begin to ask questions. Like, God, what is the plan for next year? What is the thing that you're asking me to do? What is the thing that you're calling me to do? Yes. I know it's Christmas. Yes. I know. I'm enjoying life. I'm celebrating, you know, who you are celebrating. The fact that you came, you died for me, I'm celebrating the fact that you are born to even let all these other things happen. But I also recognize. That you came for a reason you came so that I could be all that you've called me to be. And so Lord, what is the plan? For the next year. And as you begin to look into that, whatever God is asking you to do. While I encourage you to listen to godly counsel, godly advice. I want to urge you fast to make sure that you are solid, the fight. On what God has told, you know, what God has told you and hold on to that, no matter what people say, no matter the opinions people have as to how you should do the ministry that God has given you, just continuing to hold on to God. I remember that one matters is here in the world. Done from your father. And not pleasing people here on earth. As long as you hear well done from God, then it means that those that he sent you to you have touch those people. Then it means that those that he sent you to. You have indeed. Run the race. And you did it in the best possible way to touch all the lives that you needed to touch. And so friend. Let that be your focus. Even as you, you, you celebrate the season even as you head into the new year. Let that be your focus. And just come to a place. Where you solidify your identity in Christ. I pray that this blessed you in some way. The whole point of this episode is just. I think in one, in one phrase, the whole, the whole point of this episode is know all God has told you. And stand on that because there's going to be many voices and don't get me wrong. These voices mean, well, right. There's going to be meaningful choices, but there's going to be people who just never understand sometimes, especially for those of us who are called to do things that is sort of out of the norm. People sometimes, especially friends and family who mean, well, who are Christians who hear from God, some of who are even, you know, Um, who may be, you may have giving some reference as a, as a, as a spiritual authority of I you sometimes immuno understand yet where God is taking you. But, you know, you just, we just continue to pray that we, we encounter people who, who can speak the mind of God over us and confirm that which God has told us because you see. We are not supposed to be hearing from good. Two people as our first point of communication with called. Men of God, sevens of God, as opposed to confirm what God is telling you. And for me, I've gotten many confirmations of what heard a lot. Tell me. And what is to come for this podcast. And so stay tuned. Um, I don't know yet if. Owl on the veil, the new name for the pod. And the next one is episode, but we'll see. We'll see. We'll see. Merry Christmas. This is all over the place. Uh, so I think it's best to categorize it as a bonus episode. Although I'm always all over the place because I never really come with a plan. I just come in and sit and I say, Hey, holy spirit, let's do this. You've been pushing me to talk. So the speakers do this. Um, I had a speaking engagement this week. I'll speak more. That's on the next episode. Merry Christmas guys. I love you. I pray that you experienced the love of God, family, friends in this season, and that you have something to celebrate even as the year comes to an end. God bless you and have a Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas.

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