Sena's Space
This is where chaos meets light, where vulnerability meets the strength of faith, where encouragement is rooted in biblical truth, and where admonishment is grounded in love. Hi, my name is Sena, and on this space I cycle through the chaos that is my life with the hope that we can cry together, heal together, laugh together, and when all is said and done, hit reset together as we encounter the light of Christ — because after all, this is where chaos meets light!
Sena's Space
013 - What Really is Gratitude?
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Hey, Hey. Hey, welcome. Welcome. Welcome to part two of the burners episode that you just finished listening to. If you've not listened to. When I was episode two, I strongly encourage you to do so, because this is like a direct continuation of that. I just had to split it. Due to how long the episode was. And the two points not really connecting by the game. That one kind of tells a story of how I got to this one. And so this episode is about. Gratitude. I hope that it blesses you. I hope that you can just find something in there to run with and this new year. So, yeah, let's get it right into it. So I spoke on gratitude and I was a very long windy, long twisty road, maybe. I'll release that in the future. Pear the leading of God and you know, whatever talk I have with the man of God. But. I spoke on gratitude and the thing that God really taught me while I was speaking to me, he showed me. So we, before I went into it, but he really brought it into great perspective while I was speaking. Is that. I think. For the sake of time, I'm just going to focus on, on the part of it that I think is most profound. And is the part that. We have to recognize that. Our gratitude to God. Thanksgiving. Should never come from a place of, oh God, you gave me a car today. So let me say, thank you. It should never come from a police off. Oh, God, I I prayed this brand. New answered me. So thank you. Yes. I mean, we have to do that. I mean, don't get me wrong. Being on grateful as a bad character. It's it's pride. You know, So Lennon to say, thank you for those things is important by using gratitude as a state of your heart. It is a constant state. That you are supposed to be in. It is not only on your good days, they are supposed to be grateful. It's not only when life is going the way it should. Even in those moments, our life is lifeing. You're supposed to remain grateful, even in those moments where everything is just going Helter Skelter. Take your like, Hey, your house, people have really come for you in this season. Even in those seasons, we are supposed to remain grateful. And many of us, because life, life has hit rock bottom. Many of us. As this 2022 week has ended C 2023 showed me shaky. Hey God. at some point I was really asking, God, God, am I even really. At your child, like Kai. That thinks 2023. I said the things my eyes have seen in this 2023. Hey. Carla shutter. Hey, sometimes you just have to speak your tongue. So that's. You were just, you just let Jesus take the wheel because Chi. I have C should get in this entitative Terri. I have seen a lot. My eyes have seen a lot, but you don't. God remains the focal points. Because sometimes if we will rely on what we've been through, if we were alive on the pain, if we will rely on the anxiety on the depression, on the disappointments, on the betrayals. Then we will never thank God because every season, even the good seasons are going to come with your own problems. And so we have to come to this point where we can really say, thank you. No matter what it is that we can really say, thank you. No matter what we are going to, we can really say thank you. In spite of the pain that we may be feeling in the moment. And the only way that we can do this a lot was teaching me even as I was speaking, is when we set our eyes on what was done on Calvary. The only way that we can come to a place where we can say dot God. Just let's forget. Let's forget about that. That visa that you gave me, let's forget about that good marriage that you've given me. Let's forget about the fact that I prayed and fasted for 40 days. And you answered me speedily. Let's forget about the fact that I prayed for fever and your fevered me during that job application law, let's forget about the fact that you bless me with a car this year. Let's forget about the fact that my family is doing well. Let's forget about the fact that I've crossed over into 2023. What no one missing when I counted every member of my family, less of less forget. Let's forget. Let's forget. Let's forget about the fact the life has been good that I got promoted in this year. Let's forget about the fact that this year I began to embrace my ministry. Let's forget about the fact Lord. The life has been good. And lot just, just for a moment, just sit with me, Lord, Lord. If you could just sit with me for a moment, it's just, if you could just sit with me, just sit with me and let's have a conversation because you see, God know I've come to a place where I recognize on my Thanksgiving should not come from all these other things that you're doing now. It should not come from the thing that you did yesterday in my life. It should not even come from the thing that you did for me this morning. Hey, that testimony that I was see this morning, look. It should not come. It should not come from that place. First my tongues giving should come from the fact that you died for me on Calvary. It should come from the fact that before the foundations of the earth was late, Lord, you laid your life down for me. You laid it all down. You gave up yourself. For me. If we could just sit for a moment, Lord. If you could just sit for a moment. And so that we can have a conversation about the fact that you chose to leave all that you are. Just so that you could die for me, Lord. What is man? My kid told Ziva. What is mud? My Lord. That you are so mindful of me who was seller, that you are so mindful of me. Who am I Lord. That you will go to such great lengths to die for me, because as I say, he, I know that I would not even die for myself because I know, I know, I know, I know. I know, I know the things I'm Dina with. I know the things I'm struggling with and for me, I don't even see myself what the, not to say that. Okay, Lord, you know what, if you set right now that I should lay down my life for myself, that I would do it. No, I would not. Because I know myself. But a lot. What is it about me? That propelled you to go to such great lens. That before I even knew me before I was formed in my mother's home, Lord, you died for me. And you see what we begin to set our eyes on this oil begin to let us be a focal point on begin to let this be the perspective that we have. Then we would forget about the fact that 2023 was hot. Then we'll forget about the fact that even in this moment, as you're listening life is lifeing. Then you will forget about the fact that that man that promised to marry you and that, that Marion someone that's 20, 23, then you will forget about the fact that, that, that same man that you had to now watching for that promise, he was going to move heaven and earth for you is now married with a child on the way. Then you won't forget about all that because you recognize that your tongue is giving Your gratitude to God should not come from a place. When you are saying thank you because that man did not disappoint you, but it is coming from a place where now you've cut the revelation. The God, before we can talk about the things you've done for me to date. Can we just for a moment, I plead with you just talk about that, but you did on Calvary. Can we for a moment, just talk about that thing that you did for me, the fact that you laid down your life for me. Because you see if you begin to thank God every day, if every day morning. Atom even you can just begin to say thank you, Jesus, from the depths of your hearts. Thank you Jesus. For the fact that you die for me. Thank you, Jesus. C every time that you picture the image of Christ dying for you. Yeah, thank you. As renewed. I don't know if this happens to anyone, but every time that I'm feeling down, that, that the holy spirit just brings to me that image of Christ dying for me, I'm just like Chi. Thank you. Jesus. I can never exhaust saying thank you for that thing, what you did for me on Calvary for me to even begin to come to the things that you've done for me after I was born. And so I'm urging you in this 2023. I am. Urging you. Episode 10 on this podcast. So there's that God is telling us to get up and thrive in 2024. The only way that we can get up and the only way that we can get up and become all that he has. Called us to be. It's if we can catch this revelation and remain in a place of gratitude because you see, Even as we pursue those things that he's told us to do, even as we come to a place where we had to get up and thrive on certain days, it will get hot on certain days or we'll get challenging on certain days you will really doubts God. Did I really hear you about this thing? Because I would have expected the help has, would have cut my weight by now. I would have expected that I would have received help by now. Not, I would have expected that things would have been easy for me, that Lord, even after all this prayer, as I have prayed and faster for fever. I have prayed and fasted for ease. I have prayed of pasta for speed. I have prayed and faster that everything will go smoothly. But Lord, why is it that the journey is so hard? Why is it that I'm still going down this windy road? Even in those moments, if you can catch the revelation, if you can just make Calvary your full call points, if you can just make Calvary what you focus on. Then you're going to remain in a place of gratitude. Because now you can get up every morning. Even with that betrayal, even with that thing hanging over you, even with the disappointments. Even with the hot days, even with the bad days, you can still say, thank you, Jesus. Not because of what he's done today. Not because of what you expected him to do through the mess. You have your Thanksgiving. But because you've come to a place. Where your heart has connected to that, which was done for you on Calvary. now you're in tune. Your spirit is now in tune with the spirit of God in that place, on that. Cause, and now you are seeing the Lord. Thank you. Thank you that you chose to die for a sinner like me. Thank you, Lord, that you, that you found me worthy even where I would not find my soul worthy. That you chose to die for this Brookings saw. Thank you Lord. That'd be because of what you did now, I can become. Thank you. Jesus. Thank you. Jesus. Thank you. Jesus. And so as you go into 2024, let this be your mantra. Let this be something that you do daily, Do not be a Christian and let one day go where you don't say thank you, Jesus. For dying for me. Like, yes, Lord. I recognize a life is going good. I recognize that 2024 has started on a good note. I recognize that a lot of your, your, your promises are come into pass. I recognize that in this year you have promised me that I am going to see the manifestation of your glory in my life. I recognize that in this year, 2024, the prophecies that are hanging over my head. Uh, going to begin to become a reality that I walk in Lord. I recognize all those things, but I don't want to even say thank you yet for those things. Like yes, of course. I appreciate those things. Lord, you know, my heart and you know that I thank you for those things, But a lot before we can even get to that point. Can I say thank you for covering. Can I say thank you, Lord. For Calvary. If you would just allow me Lord. The, let me just, let me just bask. In that place of saying thank you, Jesus. For saving me. I hope that this blessed you. I hope that I hope that you can, you can catch this revelation. I hope that in this new year, you can, you can make this. I thing that you do where every day you would remember intentionally set alarm set reminders, if need be. Until it becomes a habit for you. That every waking moment. When life has lifeing. Then you can just look up and see like, Lord. I recognize what I'm feeling right now. I recognize that I may be angry with you in this moment. I recognize that I made to be disappointed with you in this moment. I recognize that I may have been waiting far too long Lord in this season. I recognize a lot, this, the strength that you promise that data. We'll wait on you. Gastro and shall be renewed. Like a lot of my strength is feeling. I recognize that. It is not well in this moment, I'll call that also recognize that I cannot afford to be better about anything. Because before everything was, you died for me. And because of that fact now, I can open my mouth. And with true gratitude. Say thank you, Jesus. Because in DG. Did something for me. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. Jesus. Thank you. Jesus. Or they kid told us Eva, Thank you Lord. and I'm praying for you even in this new year. That even though she's kept into this year. That this would be your best year yet that truly the worst that the Lord has spoken over. You. You will begin to walk in the realities of those words. That in this year. And this year 2020 for us. As, as you are stepping into a new season. That you will step into that new season. With your strength. Renewed. That you will step into that new season on the authority of Christ. You will step into this new season. Whatever revelation of who you are in Christ. That you will come to walk in all that court has coached you to be that you will flourish in this new year. That you will get up. And thrive. So that Jesus can be glorified. Until season two guys. Keep thriving.