Sena's Space

014 - God Only Needs Your Yes, Just Start!

Sena Season 2 Episode 1

In this season two opener of "Sena’s Space", our host shares a deeply personal journey of wrestling with delays, doubts, and the divine nudge to start despite not feeling ready. The episode delves into the story of Moses and his hesitations to accept God's call, drawing parallels to the modern struggle of stepping out in faith. Through a candid recount of recent personal experiences and biblical insights, the episode encourages listeners to put aside their imperfections and limitations, embracing that God only requires their "yes" to begin. It's a powerful reminder that our capabilities are not the focus, but our willingness to be used by God for His purposes. This episode is for anyone feeling stuck, inadequate, or uncertain about their next steps. It offers a message of hope and empowerment to just start, trusting that God will provide what is needed along the way.

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Hey friend. Welcome to send us space where Ks meets light. Wow. I cannot believe that. It is season two of the podcast already. When the laws started laying it on my heart to rebrand. This podcast. Initially, I was thinking seasoned to you is going to kickoff March 22nd. I expected that. At this point. The website will be ready out. I've gotten started on the newsletter. Which is another thing he's leading me, um, to do, to get back into writing. I think I probably spoke about it a couple of times. in previous episodes in season one, But you'd be told us. February approached a lot of things as we're not going well. and I started to just be like, you know what? March is not gonna work. Let's move this to June. You know, it's going to be one year after the podcast that in any way. And it would make sense to just, start season two then. But over the last two or so weeks. I started feeling a breading to record an episode. Out, we Carpen. There was just a constant birding record something. And it was constantly like, I don't even know what to say. I don't know what a record, like, I just feel like I have no plan going into season two. Like from last year, the, the lane was already picked out. You know, the podcast has kept saying, wasn't ready, red tape. Like. Those basic things were in place. Um, But I did not quite know what truly, what the content was going to be. And if you know me personally, you will know that I am an insane type, a pursing. I I'm insanely choleric. I, um, Uh, very, very. Perfect perfectionist. I like to have everything planned out, everything. You know, Scheduled to perfection. Position. I am so detail oriented. I mean that, that's just the kind of person I am. And so I did not like to. Do things and how CS. I'm always just trying to make sure that whatever I am doing, I am doing to the best and the fullness of my ability. Everything that I do. I want to make sure that it is exceeded an excellent. And that is just the person I am. And so not truly you went and God is beginning to speak to such a pressing. What does that pass? Indeed, our passenger tries to bring their personal life into. God's business. Where they are personal life is. Some unhealthy and toxic traits that they have. So. Like I was saying a couple of weeks ago, I started to fill the breading. I was like, God. saying record an episode, just sit down and grab the mic. I have things that I want to speak through. You. But I just kept pushing. last Saturday. I remember I said, okay, I was going to wake up early, get it done. I woke up a little bit early, but I just stayed in bed for like two hours and I did nothing. And then I had to go do schoolwork and all that. So heading into. This week and I'm recording this. At like 10:27 PM. the Tuesday before this comes on, then I have just, uh, run through the, the trailer and scheduled it to go out tomorrow morning. And the reason I'm finally recording today is because. This week, the Lord has spoken to me three times. Again, on this through other people. The first two were direct, the third one was not direct, but the third one was to help me remember. Why. He, first of all, had me start doing this podcasting. So yesterday, I think it was yesterday. Um, One of my closest friends randomly asked me. What's going on with the podcast. And I kind of felt a little bit attack, not going to lie. And if you hear this. Yeah. Um, and I was like, E Y. I was, I was a little bit, you know, I was a little bit ready to defend myself. And he he was like, oh, I was just asking. And I was like, oh, you know, well, As you can see on the podcast ads work. I have written there that season two is going to start June 20, 24. So why are you asking me in March? I didn't quite see that rubber tin to him, but that's why I thought in my head. But I was like, okay. And I was like, well, you know, I'll get to it. I don't remember quite what I said, but we had that conversation. And then the next day, one of my elderly cousins, my big SIS. we were just talking, then she randomly just asked me. how's the podcast going? And I was like a. Why is he asking me about the podcast? Is it that people do not understand the. In the description. That you know, season two starts in June, 2024. So why y'all asking me about it in March. I just had, I have to make time to jump back into it. and that was it. So. Once it had come from a second passing. I was like, okay. I just went and God has stopped, you know? Kind of just laying it on my heart, but he's having other people also come and ask me about it. So it's something that needs to get to. So then tonight, um, I go back from work and. One of my longtime friends and I were just chatting. And we were just actually talking about something completely. Unrelated to what I'm about to say but the conversation just kind of went a certain way and I happen to talk about God's will and how sometimes you have something that you want to do by God is calling you to something else. And as much as it's painful, We just have to trust that God knows best, right. And just lean into his will for us. And so somehow the conversation goes to a point where the Holy Spirit said that to lay on my heart, to just encourage her. And I started to type up. Or these things that apparently she needed to hear. So. I started to share with hair. My recent. Bible study, from. Exodus chapter three and verse four. And. I guess. She was a third push that I needed. Um, to get this episode out until that specifically what I shared with her. Um, is sort of what I'm going to share. With you as well. And just hope that you pick something from a. So let's get into it. I'm sure many of us are very familiar with. Gump homolysis. I called him was his grandpa because you know that it's, it's a whole system. I'll explain that some other time, but. If I say grandpa Moses, uncle Moses, same person. I'm talking about Moses in the Bible that we all know had an encounter with God. Um, With the whole Ben Bush situation. So Exodus three begins to lay out. Um, The points in Moses' life, where he had. Runaway from Egypt after measuring, the edge of Shan. Who was abusing one of the Israelites. And he had. Run to median. At one day while he was, you know, 10 into the flock of his father-in-law. He saw. Uh, Bush, that was, you know, on fire. But to his amazement. The fire was not consuming. Um, the Bush. And so the typical thing that we as humans would do when we see fire is to run away from it. Right. But you know, this is even an adapt. Thing that the Holy Spirit was teaching me. So I'm going to keep that front and that day by anyways, Moses was in cheek. He went towards it and the Lord began to speak to him. in a low began to say, listen, I've heard my people, The Israelites done in Egypt. I've heard your cry. I want to send you to go speak to Pharaoh and tell him that I want him to let my people go. And this is where the drama starts. Y'all. so God basically tells Moses like, Hey, this is why I need you to do this, this on the assignment that I have for you. And so that's basically Exodus chapter 3, 1, 3 10. And I wanted to meet the bus at 11. I'm going to read a couple of them. So. So the best 11. Moses immediately. Ask the question. Who am I. You know, who am I to appear before Pharaoh? And I'm reading from the new living translation. I'll be powerful. Recent, mostly not. You know, read them verbatim. But most of this basically like, um, God, who am I? Who am I going to leave people out of Egypt? Question number one. And then in verse 12, God answers him and says, I will be with you. I am the one who has sent you. Basically God did not even bother to address. Moses question of who am I? Because when you really think about, say in the grand scheme of things, We are all actually. Nothing done vessels. Onto the Lord to do his will. Should we submit us souls to his authority? So that was a first instance of Moses sort of rejecting this assignment then in verse 13. Second time. This time, Moses goes from God, who am I to. What would the people. See, what will they people think if I go to the people of Israel and told them the God of your ancestors has sent me to you, they will ask me, what is his name then? What should I tell them? So glad replies ever patients in verse 14. It says God replied to Moses. I am that I am say this to the people of Asia. I am, has sent me to you. Rest 15. God also said to Moses, say this to the people of Egypt, yellowy the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob has sent me to you. Second instance of Moses trying to, Reject this assignments. And then God goes on. it's up to 13. It's going to just tell him a few of the things that he was going to do. in Egypt and. We come to chapter four. Again, Friends various Moses is like, well, What have they doubt me? What if they don't believe me? Or, you know, what, if they don't listen to me and they, they say that God never appeared to you. Immediately in, in verse two, God basically shows him assign. He has him throw the, um, his staff down with Tencent to a snake. I think most of us are familiar with the story. If you're not, please read it. God, basically gives him a sign. To see that once the people see the sign. They will believe you. So, this is what instance, number three of Moses, trying to deflect this assignment. So after all these marvelous things, God has shown him. Like God has answered him with regards to the, who am I question? And what will people see? What, what people would think? What if they doubt me, because as answered all this. And in all of them, God has answered him. Saying that I, God will be with you or I, God would do this. and so each time Moses asked a question that put the focus on he, Moses God answered him. Put in the focus back on him. God. In a way telling us that. While it may be Moses who walks and goes to Egypt to go. Do these things that he's asking him to at the end of the day, it is truly he got, who is working through him. To ensure that he fulfills that assignment. So that's. Number three instance, number four. Exodus for chapter 10. So God has shown Moses how, you know, he can send his stuff into a snake, how he can put his hand. In his pocket and it gets all leprosy. He takes it out and is healed and how he, he should, you know, tend to Nile into blood and out river. Then in verse 10, Moses is like, Oh, Lord. I'm not very good with words I have never been. And I'm not now, even though you have spoken to me, I get tongue tied and my words get tangled. So the fourth instance of Moses. rejecting those assignments is him trying to use his skills, his inability to speak fluently His inability to Alyssa date. And then in verse 11, again. God takes the focus of Moses and puts it back on himself and not, we hear God saying that. Who makes a peasant's mouth who decides whether people speak or do not speak here or do you not hear, see, or do not see. Is it not, I, the Lord. Now go, I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say. So for instance of Moses. Trying to find ways to seed a God. I'm not qualified for this. Who am I? Well, people see, what will people think? What have they dealt me? I don't have the skills. Right away in verse 13, Moses realizes that, you know what, I've run out of things too. Use as excuses. Let me just so go to send someone else. pleaded again. And said, Lord, please send someone else. Then at this point, Bible says that the Lord became angry with Moses. And he said, you know, well, cool. What about your brother, Aaron? I know he speaks well. so why don't you go with him and let him be your spokesperson. at this point, God has covet or the basis. Number one, you said, who am I to go and say, don't worry about who you are. I'm going with you. Number two, he asks, well, what people would think or say. who do I tell them? Sends me. And then God says, told them. That I am sent you the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob sent you. Number three. He asks, what if they doubt me? What did they say that I never met with you? And God said, because do these signs and when you do Adobe leave, Number four. He says, well, I don't have the skills to go and, speak to people, you know, that I don't speak very well. Or to why are you sending me on this assignment? And God says. Don't worry about that. I am the one who gives man the ability to speak. I am the one who gives nine. They ability to see, to hear. So just go, I am with you. And then number five and plus the syndrome sets in and was just like, you know what? Yeah, you said all this, but like, Lord. Eh, I still don't think I can do this. I don't think I'm a queer black. I've heard all you said and all that, but I don't think I can do it. Send someone else. And I'll just find God. It's like, okay. Why don't you go with Aaron, go at someone who you believe speaks. We'll at least the attention will be deflected from you and onto him when he is speaking. So it does, my Moses is like, okay, cool. I'm going to go. And the point I'm getting at. With all this. Is that. Good only needs your yes. God does not need your speaking abilities. He does not need your singing abilities. He does not need your teaching abilities. He does not need any of that because when you really think about it is even he. Who gives those things onto mine. God does not need. Any of those things. All he needs is for you to say yes, I will go. Make yourself available, make your so willing. And Dan. Because he goes with you, he will ensure that the assignments is completed. Well, I was steady in this. I asked the Holy Spirit, how come when Moses said I had to speak in problem, you. You didn't just Hugh him. On the sport, right. You know what we've had. We need testimonies of men of God in our day saying like, you know, they used to be summarized, but once it started preaching the gospel, you know, it just fixed itself. So I was like, so why wasn't this the case for Moses? And that moment I go, cause I've just been like, okay, you can speak, okay. I'm the God who makes people speak. Come on you're time is loose. You can speak well, go and do what I asked you to do. and the Holy Spirit was teaching me that if Moses had been healed in that moment, if he had been given the perfect ability to speak. It would have not come across as it was because he could speak well. That is why he went and excelled. However in keeping the problem there. The focus still remains on God. And through everything that is done beginning to the end. We see that this could have only been possible with God, because at the end of the day, For Avon to have even poking the words that God was passing on. Moses. How to speak them to Avon. And so we still see God shine in day. And I just wanted to encourage someone today. That it is not in your ability. to perfectly execute what God has told you to do. That makes you a candidate for that assignment. It is in your sand? Yes. To him. Regardless of the assignment, regardless of the timing. Regardless of where he is sending you. It is in your recognizing that you as a passing imperfect, no matter how much you work on yourself daily. You as a passing, have limitations. And there was nothing that you're going to do for God that you can do on your own. Because it's supposed to be a partnership. If you could do it all on your own. Well, Then at that point, what role would God play? Right. So I just want to encourage you. Whatever it is. I go to speak into you and the season. It may be with regards to you. I'll cut. That makes it may be with regards to your career. It may be with regards to ministry. Whatever it is. I'll go to speaking to you. Lee aside, the things that you think make you unqualified. Lee aside, the things that you think will make people question. Your qualification to do that thing. Lee aside, the things about yourself that you have recognized as disabilities or as limitations. And focus on the fact that. God is with you. And because he is with you. You cannot fail. And remember that it is a partnership. It's not just you. Starts where you can start with the resources you have start. However, you can start. No one is going to grade you on how well you start, because you know, something that you is. No matter how long it takes you to prepare for something you are still going to fumble the first time you do it. Or the first couple of times you do it. It took me four years to finally start this podcast and I am embarrassed. About my first couple of episodes. They are not my greatest. And many days I am tempted to delete them. But I keep it there as a reminder that. That was what it took to get me started even up to the many years of my perfectionist self and the planner in me, trying to plan out every single detail of how the first few episodes were going to go doing all the research. What microphones are by what software to use, to edit what this to do. The first few episodes were still not agree. And so instead of wasting time, We stay booked your time, God's time. And the people you've been called to his time. And no start in that thing. Why don't you just start. Because The earlier you start. The earlier you put the mistakes behind you and guess what? It's a partnership with God. Whatever corrections you need along the way. God is going to help you make them. Because it was never intended for it to be a job for just you. The whole time. It was intended. For you to just be the vessel through which God actually does the work. Based on your CNEs to him. And so Fran, if you're listening to me today and. You are in doubt about something you've been wrestling with a decision. Oh my God, should I pursue that master's degree? Should I go into that Korea? I am probably one of the most indecisive people you could ever meet. But you know what the Lord is beginning to prune and teach me in this area. And I'm here to tell you that this is your side. Go and do it. Mistakes are made in life. We all make mistakes. But the important thing is that we'll learn from them. And that we set out to do things. Not with the intention to be perfect or them. But with the hearts. that God is the one who is going to actually do this work through me. And as long as you continue to avail yourself, You are only going to get better as long as you continue to avail yourself. That is when the path to perfection becomes clay. Not in the time zone. You're fumbling. Not in the times when you are. In the size of about getting started. Not in the times when you are doubting him. Not in the time zone. You're questioning. Uh, abilities, not in the times when you are trying in your own way to prepare your soul for it. No. You can only get better at something. When you consciously choose daily diet, you know what I'm going to give God my, yes. I'm going to give God my availability. And I'm going to give him my willingness. And as long as I can give God those things, Dan, he is going to give me the capabilities that I need. To run with that assignment. And to do it. Until he says, well done. Good and faithful seven. Friend I hope you have blessed by this episode. And I hope that this was a good start to season two. I prayed that. that, which the Lord has asked you to do that you will give you. The willingness, and the desire. To say yes to Him. Now you allow him. To come into partnership with you. So that those who need that, which you carry on the inside of you. Can be blessed. Thank you so much for listening. And I hope to cut you on the next one.

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