Sena's Space

015 - Jesus Won the Victory, BUT!

Sena Season 2 Episode 2

In this contemplative episode, we delve into the need for Christians to not only celebrate the victory won by Christ but also to actively enforce and manifest this victory in their lives and the world around them. The host emphasizes the ongoing battle for spiritual fulfillment and societal impact, drawing parallels between personal spiritual journeys and the broader Christian mission. "Jesus Won the Victory, BUT!" serves as a call for believers to embody the victory of Christ through prayer, study, and active engagement with their faith. This episode is not just a recount of the Easter story but an invitation to step up, engage, and become active participants in the victory Jesus secured for us.

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Hey friends. Welcome to send us space way. Ks. Meets light. it's episode two already. And this week I wanted to continue on. The Moses story that we were looking at. specifically. Looking at what happenings up to, we say yes to God. Right? Last week was majorly focused on Hey. God does not need. Any other things that you can provide, any other thing that you can do? He only needs your yes. He only needs your availability and he only needs your willingness. And so I kind of wanted to. Rubbed that up. so to speak. Cause I'm trying to keep these episodes as short as possible. And the second seizing and so wanted to just touch on, well, I guess the plan was to touch on. What happens? After you have said yes to God, right? What are some of the things that we can learn? Again, using the same. Character grandpa Moses. And just seeing what happened after he said yes to God, how God began to use him. And. Are they at yada yada. But us, the holy spirit will have it. I find myself sitting here have just gotten back from church. Today is good Friday. So happy Easter. Um, I just got back from church service. We had a very nice intimate. Time together just. Hearing again, the story of. What Christ did on the cross for us. Right. And just really getting to spend that time together. As his beloved and as the people that he came to die for, and really. Looking again. through the lens of how he saw us. And how he found us where the enough to come and carry out such a sacrifice. But before I even went to church. Or more last night. As I begun to. Really speak to HS. and if you're new here each as is. What I call the holy spirit. I was saying to him, Your Friday is coming. Saturday is almost here. You know, what's the plan what am I putting out? Are we putting nothing out? I know, want one to be consistent this time around, but I also recognize that. This is on assignment. And even though it took me a long time, too. Come to die realization. Now I know until now I do not move until he tells me to move. And so. I wasn't meaning to just trying to understand, like, okay, what are we going to talk about? I guess if you're not saying anything, maybe I can just wrap up, the. what happens when you say yes to God? Episode. and he was like, well, I, I kind of feel like I would like you to do. Something that's a bit more centered on, you know, Christ and us it's Easter. So I'm like, um, Dre Dre Dre. He knows that's me. I cannot, I always tell people that I don't preach. I don't know how to preach. I am not a preacher. I, I tell stories. Sometimes it may come across us. I am teaching, but I'm actually telling a story. Case in point last week, many of you reached out to me and by the way, Thank you. God bless you for listening. Um, I'm on it. And I I'm grateful to God that you found some value in last week's episode. And I pray that even as you heard the word, it's not just going to be something that you've heard, but there's going to be something that. You consciously. Walk in. so that's what I'm saying last week. When I was sharing. the five things that I noticed, grandpa Moses dead and how God responded and all that. I was not preaching. I was just telling a story of how the law. Taught me. How I even got to that point. Right. And so. That's what I do. That's what I was me to do. And so I think it's very important to make that distinction and kind of set the tone for where we are going tonight. And just ask that. Those who know better would always be willing to correct me. Because I'm always ready to learn. I'm always ready to. just. Improve and to do things better. So, yeah. I'm a storyteller. And so I just want to tell you. A story of what happened today. and what the holy spirit taught me. Let's get into it. as I was saying, Last night. I was asking the holy spirit, what is going to be the episode for today? Are you okay with me going on to talk about. You know what happens outside? You say yes to God. Or are we doing something else? And HS is like, well, it's Easter. You know, it will be nice to do something. Eastery Christy, like he, and I'm like, um, I don't know what I mean. So you're going to have to give me more like a little bit more, because I feel like. All you can really say, or I guess all I can really say is. What most of you already know. Jesus came. He died. He resurrected. Of course it's more than that in of course, the magnitude of what he did. Is. Immeasurable. Right. And then how I've just painted it in those three bullets. But essentially when we really look at it, Those are the facts. Step one, step two, step three. Boom. Boom, boom. That's it. And so I'm like what, what is going to be that new thing that I say? Because Every time that I'm speaking. Even to myself and having conversations with myself in times when I'm reflecting on my life and how far God has brought me in where I believe he is taking me. I always wonder to be noon. As I always want to drink from a wall of freshness. I always want to make sure that I am soaking in another dimension of God and who he is to me. And so every time I talk to people, I want to make sure that I am not only. Uh, reiterating something that you are familiar with. But then I'm bringing a dimension of newness to what I'm bringing a dimension of freshness to it. I'm bringing the dimension that awakenings people. To something new and something deeper, something meaningful. So this morning rolls around and I wake up, had some trainings, um, that I had to get through for work. And those of you who have. Today and Monday as paid holidays. I am so jealous of you, the us has no role like that. I believe some companies have that, but it is not a federal holiday. So your girl had to work. So I go through the trainings and I found myself on Instagram and I was applying one of my new friends. Instagram story. Henna Ms. Gloria and I love her so much. She is amazing. she had posted a story or if. Uncle Joe metals. Newsong. Give me all. Y'all amazing. Amazing. Featuring, since the Sandra. Please don't ask me why I always attach some sort of prefix. Be an uncle, whatever too. These people's names. I don't know, it just happens. Okay. Unconsciously. I do it. So Gloria had post. I said this Instagram story of the song. Um, the video of uncle Joe metal scene, the song is out. And I said, go. I was up last nine, you know, cause the song was supposed to be released March 29, 12:00 AM. GMT. And so I was up around four or 5:00 AM GMT, but I could not find a song on apple music. So is it finally. Oh, then she say, yeah, It's out. You know, and she was like, well, I'm surprised you didn't get it because, So at that time she was able to stream it. So I go into apple music and lo and behold, the song was I'm like, thank you, Jesus. I texted her back and I'm like, oh, I see you now. And so we just got talking. It was, it was very random, very, very, very random conversation. We talk here and there, you know, reply to each other's stories and lots of things like that, but never. A long, deep conversation. And so somehow we find ourselves talking. And. As Jesus' babies. Of course, you know, we are going to talk about God, you know, some way somehow God has to come into the conversation. Whether it's us acknowledging him something. It's, it's just always something that Jesus, right. one of the things that we spoke about was how important it was for us to ensure that we pray as Christians for the leaders that we have. And she was sharing with me some of the things that were going on in the country, which is space. And. I also was sharing somethings on my aunt and the how. It takes a lot of wisdom to navigate. The day-to-day life. I was particularly echoing that in today's world. It's even more important to make sure that your lifestyle is reflecting who Christ is because. Sometimes. And if you work in corporate America, you know, you can't just be going around talking about Jesus, like. It's not, it's not a done thing. And so you have to live in a way where even when you have not directly mentioned, Jesus, people can see something unique or new people can see something divine on new people con. Notice that there is excellence upon this person that is not of this world. And then they can begin to inquire. And then you can use that as an avenue to preach the gospel. And I remember one of the things she said that just made me know that, you know what those go, and I, ain't going to be friends for life. She was like, yeah, I completely agree. It's it's just like what the Bible says. Right. I was known as known by her children. And so basically she said wisdom is found by her results. And I said, yeah, so we go on and we just keep delving deeper into it's so important to pray for our leaders because many of their decisions affect us as Christians, but because sometimes it's not a directive fact. We feel like we are exempt. Of course we pray, pray as for GLAAD to exempt us. I know in many conscious, I know, especially for the us and Ghana where I'm from. There's so much economic hardship going on. I know that no one has to tell me. And so of course I pray all the prayers of God. Even though all these things are happening around me. Let them be divine exemption. And my keys, let me be flourishing. And my keys. Let me be succeeding in my case. Let me be growing. Of course, we pray all those Prius, but. In many ways, the decisions that our leaders take actually affects us as Christians. Be it and how we go about our daily lives, be it and how we have to carry out our jobs. Or even businesses that we set up ourselves, even from a Christian perspective. The laws of the country are what define the rules by which we live in the country. Yes, we as Christians have a higher calling, we have a higher set off. Quote-on-quote rules and regulations that we are supposed to live by, but ultimately even the Bible calls us to respect our leaders and to do what they ask us to do. Um, I'm paraphrasing very heavily, but I believe that somewhere in the book of Romans. And so we're talking about Twitter yet. Like we are truly sleeping as Christians, but we really need to come to the point where we are awakened to the realities of the battles that are happening around us. And also the battles that are being prepared for us. Because, yes, it's Eastern. I'm seeing a lot of fliers around then Christ died for you. He won the victory. And while all that is true, we have to come to a point where we realize that. Yes, Christ has already won the victory in the spirit. But a victory will never be won on our side. If we never get on the battlefield. The victory will never be one in our lives here on air. If we don't do the things that we are supposed to do to enforce that victory. First in our lives. And then in the world that we live in. Recently I was listening to AJS and that's a postage assault. It's all mine. I believe the message. Let me see if I can find the message title real quick. On my phone, I took a screenshot area. the message title is this is the generation, the making of minding man. and end the Sam on. He said one thing that really. Has just been ringing in my ears for so long. He said. In the battle field number is an advantage. And he got me thinking and I said, well, of course, it's true. The Bible tells us that the harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. There are so many souls that need to be one, so many people that need to be pushed into a place of pepper. So many people that are waiting on us as Christians. To get up and begin to thriving everything that God has called us to do that are not doing it. And so now we have a situation where the ritual. the number of people who are actually doing the work to the number of people who need. The results of that work that is being done is extremely large. and of course we know that in the kingdom, no one is irreplaceable. if you don't do what you're supposed to do, God will find someone else and have that person do it because it's not because of you. That's a whole generation. Just, you know, no one to make it what The holy spirit began to teach me as my friend and I carried on this conversation. As that. Yes, Kaiser has won the victory and the spirit of Easter. That is what we are celebrating. The fact that from the beginning, even before the foundations of the earth were laid, the victory was already won. Because God does not work from a place of now. He actually works from a place of what does the end look like? Now that I know what the end looks like, not enough plan, what the end looks like. Now, let me let these people walk through what it takes to get that. And so, yes, the victory has been won and the spirit. But until we get up as Christians, until we rise up until we do our way with this life of prayerlessness until we begin to study the word, like our life depends on it because it does. Until we begin to enforce this victory in our lives. We are not going to be people who actually possess this victory. Because it is one thing for victory to be won in the spirit. But it is an entirely different thing for it to be made manifest. In your life. And so to extend that to the battlefield. Well, the victory has been won. To be a part of those who are in the force. It, you, as an individual need to step up in prayer, you as an individual, need to take your life. Seriously. Because it's not just about you. It's about the kingdom. It's about what God wants to do through you. After you say yes to God. I you just sitting around, waiting for God to come and give you that next assignment, or are you in a continuous state of pursuing him? Are you in a state where you're continuously chasing up to him instead of chasing out to the things of the earth that you think are going to make your life easier? Are you in the states? What you're, you're praying without ceasing, where you're fellowshipping with him every second that you get, are you in a state where you're actually prioritizing building your relationship with him? Because you recognize what is at stake. If you do not do that. Or, are you simply in a relaxed state? Because in your mind? Well, Jesus already did it. I have the victory. If you like don't pray. some of us where we come from, like, we don't have a choice not to prove. Because if you go freight, like we'll make a mess of you. you the entire person you're going to be at mess. I know it's Easter and we're all celebrating. What God has done for us. What Christ did on Calvary? And we are all in awe and we are all just really other point where. We are beholding. The glory of that, which Christ. Did for us. But even as we've been privileged enough to be in the place where we get to experience a dimension of what was done on Calvary. How will we ensure that that victory is enforced? I'll be stepping up in prior. Are we studying the word? Are we prioritizing our relationship with God. Or are we simply in the place of rest because well, Jesus already won the victory. And so, you know, What is yours? Is yours. No. What is yours is not yours? What you fight for? As what is yours? What is yours? Come be yours in the spirit, but until you go on your knees and fight for right here on at, you're never going to possess it. because your destiny is not just some candy that is being handed out in the store. No. Your destiny is something that you have to pay the price to fulfill. And so while Christ has already done it, that is just supposed to be unasur as. No matter what it is that you're going through today, no matter how hard the journey may be, no matter how intense the process may be. No matter how much it feels sometimes like you're losing yourself in this pruning, seizing. The fact that Jesus already won the victory. You're supposed to give you the assurance that at the end of the day, It's all going to work out. Not only for my good. But for the good of those that I've been called to because Christ already won the victory. And not because you sit down on the sidelines and do nothing to win the forest of victory that has already been won. And so friend, I pray for you today. And I prayed that. Even as we celebrate Easter at even us, we focus on what was done on Calvary this weekend and beyond. Don, not only do we keep our eyes on the fact that Jesus Christ won the victory for us. But that we realize that to make money fast, that victory. We in our lives and then the lives of those around us. We need to play up heart of enforcement. Because we are in partnership with God. And it was never intended for us to just sit on the sidelines for us to just relax without prayer. No investments, not sacrifice or rainy forum. That we make K. And so I pray that we can set up. Eyes. On God. Not just from the angle of God, you already won the victory for me. But from the point of law now, I recognize that you won the victory. And so how do I now navigate my daily life? To get to that point without victory becomes a reality in my life. How do I get to the point? Well, every day that I wake up. I am a walking manifestation of that. What you did on Calvary. So that as people behold You through me, They will become all that. You've called them to be. I pray that the Lord will help you in this season. And then more than anything, you will prioritize fellowship with him. That you will prioritize prayer. because without, as truly being in partnership with Christ, Nothing can be achieved. First in our lives. And then the lives of those around us. Friend. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I prayed. I got blessed. And you have a great Easter weekend. I'll see you on the next episode.

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